The ChiFeng visit was due entirely to a beautiful boy named Nathan.
He was united with his forever family, the Rigsbee's, recently. His devoted parents wanted to do something for this orphanage, as it is relatively remote. We began correspondence with the orphanage director, and we found out the needs of the orphanage. I wanted to visit this place sacred to the Rigsbee family, in order to see how Packages of Hope could help.
While visiting, I was enriched by the Mongolian culture!
There were several interesting sights, that are definitely different than the other parts of China I have visited!
One of the things that was different was that the signs were all in dual languages. As you can see in the photo above, the bottom row is Mandarin Chinese script, whereas the top row is Mongolian (Manchu).
The food was also very distinct, and I was able to see the different food preparation techniques!
Click HERE to see these VERY interesting food preparation methods. Also, you can see me taking a look at how the city tends public parks by cutting the grass.
Also, while wandering down a street which was undergoing construction, I came across an interesting find - a pelvic bone. I'm pretty sure it was human, and I alerted a local attendant standing by a store front, but he didn't seem to want to do anything. (I photo'ed my shoe for scale)
We also visited the sacred mountain of ChiFeng, which has a very distinct red tint to the granite. We paid our respects to a buddhist shrine in a cave on the mountain.
Click HERE to see a video of this cave (username: packagesofhope, password: donate, you may have to enter it twice)